Wednesday 16 June 2010


Garden patch: has (again)  been used as a 'rat run' by a fat family of rats who have taken up residence in next doors garden so I've given up that area for this year. We are trying to get them 'under control' (dead with any luck) but only succeed for about two weeks then they return.
Patio containers: carrots seem to be doing alright and the blueberries are fat little balls but still green!

Allotment: going good and we're all really enjoying it!
In so far: beans, peas, pumpkin, marrow, courgette, carrots, leek, beetroot, strawberries.
To go: sweetcorn, cabbage, broccoli, more peas, parsnip, kale.

Didn't get a chance to get the net the redcurrant bushes and the birds have taken full advantage! Must do better next year.

Fabulous and Extremely Helpful Websites

I look at these almost daily for help, ideas and to steal their brilliant ideas!

Monday 17 May 2010

2010: And we're off!

I finally got started on sowing for 2010. I completely under estimated the difference having a new baby in the house would make! Really looking forward to growing food for weaning though, last year it was all about “having a go” not much will change this year (I’m a slow learner!) but to know I can get a good stock ready for weaning later in the year really motivates me.

On the 2010 Grow List we have: peas and lots of them, carrots of various shapes and sizes, cabbage, sweetcorn, broccoli, potato, salad stuff, pumpkin, butternut squash and fruit.

It’s quite a list for my little patch in the garden so I may have to pinch some space on my Dads.

I’m about to harvest the first ever crop of rhubarb and intend to make a delicious rhubarb and ginger crumble… just like my Nanny makes